I walk in the fog
So thick that I fear I may fall with each step
So dense you would swear it night
I cry out, "Lord save your servant!
Don't you see that I am crushed on all sides?
Don't you see the pain I am in?"
Yes, life crushes me and weighs me down
I feel as though I will suffocate in this cloud of uncertainty and doubt
But I know my God is faithful
I know that though the world would kill me He is ever my defender
He surrounds me with His love
He fights on my behalf
He has good things for me and He will never abandon me
My life is not in vain
I do not struggle needlessly
For the God who created the heavens and the earth is with me
He calls me son and I Him Abba Father
I will not be defeated for the Savior of the world holds me by the hand
Yes, Jesus is Lord of my life and in Him I am victorious
In Him I find strength
In Him I find hope